The Department of Business Studies offers Levels 6,5 and 4 and business single and group, accounting courses that include CPA and ATD. The department has a large pool of highly qualified and experienced staff competent in diverse fields and expertise who are offering the new TVET syllabus with good results. All diploma and certificate courses are examined by KNEC, Levels 6,5 and 4 courses are examined by CDACC and accounting courses by KASNEB. Areas of specialization :
- Business Administration
- Business Management
- Office Administration
- Supply Chain Management
- Accounting – CPA Section I – VI & ATD
The platform of the above course delivery includes full-time residential and part-time. The department plans to start delivering some of the courses during the holidays in the future. Among the achievements of the department include being among the few pioneers who started training new TVET Level 6, 5 and 4 in Office Administration very successfully.