P.O. Box 330-60200,

+254 719 186 814


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Nkabune Technical Training Institute is committed to increasing access to quality training by intergrating information and communication technology in research and curriculum development. For the country to achieve vision 2030, Science and Technology is identified as one of the pillars necessary to achieve the vision with ICT development being a key component.The institute Computing and Informatics department has ensured that the institute is not left behind in ICT advancement.

The ICT department offers the following courses;

  1. . Diploma in ICT Module I to III
  2. . Craft Certificate in ICT
  3. . Information Communication Technician Level 6
  4. .Information Communication Technician Level 5
  5. . Computer Science Level 6
  6. . Cisco network certification
  7. . Computer packages

ICT trainers steer the department's success in academic performance with a wealth of ICT experience. It is also a requirement that all students in the institute must be exposed to basic computer skills to enable them to be competitive in the job market. The institute has 6 well-equipped computer labs with over 180 computers. In addition, all computers are networked to enable ease of learning in the labs and enhance efficiency in curriculum delivery. The department is producing highly qualified graduates who are competitive in the job market.


All offices in the institute are equipped with personal computers connected to a local area network (LAN). The management Information System modules, communication within departments, printers and internet. The institution has already rolled out fee collection, examinations, admissions and hostel allocation modules. This has improved our efficiency and effectiveness in managing institute affairs. This will enhance the mode of study and research. 

The speed of internet access is enhanced with fibre optic cable to cater for the high demand of internet usage in the institute. Nkabune is one of the fastest-growing institutions in the field of ICT development and growth in Meru County. We want to be a centre of excellence in ICT innovations and advancement. We are confident that Nkabune Technical Institute will be a leading Institution towards achieving the vision 2030 not only in Meru County but in the country


The Department of Business Studies and Entrepreneurship offers both Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 Office Administration , accounting courses that include CAMS and ATD.

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We are proud of our past graduates from the different levels who have taken up various positions in the catering and hospitality industry. Some are working in hotels and restaurants as chefs, waiters, supervisors and managers..

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For the country to achieve vision 2030, Science3 and Technology is identified as one of the pillars necessary to achieve the vision with ICT development being a key component. The institute Computing and Informatics department has ensured that the institute is not left behind in ICT advancement..

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Fashion Design is in the Hospitality and Institutional Management Department. The section targets trainees who have a desire to work as Fashion Designers in Fashion Designers Houses, Managers, Garment Cutters and CAD Designers in garment making firms or Wardrobe Managers for V.I.Ps.

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Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering which has specialized in electrical and electronic engineering power option.

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